MondayApr 29, 2024 11:15 am

Astiva Health Inc. Innovative Holistic Approach Underscores Understanding That Effective Primary Care Is Foundational

PCPs play pivotal role in successful healthcare approach Evidence shows that primary care helps prevent illness and death Astiva Health has established a healthcare ecosystem where best PCPs are rewarded for expertise, commitment The importance of primary care in a successful healthcare approach has been clearly shown through decades of research. Astiva Health is dedicated to enhancing the quality of medical care through a strong doctor-patient relationship with the success of its model hinging on knowledgeable, competent, and hard-working primary care physicians (“PCPs”) who play a pivotal role in the healthcare system. “Evidence of the health-promoting influence of primary care has been…

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MondayApr 29, 2024 10:00 am

Buyers Demand AI-Supported Tools While Exploring Novel eCommerce Categories

As online marketplaces such as Amazon, eBay and myriad other alternatives have become one of the most common ways for consumers to buy goods, these companies have become increasingly demanding on AI-supported tools designed to help them explore novel shopping categories. Consumers now want the same kind of personalized, expert guidance they would get in a brick-and-mortar store when they try out unfamiliar products on online marketplaces, one industry executive says. Artificial intelligence (AI) could fill this role quite effectively by helping online shoppers overcome the initial hesitance involved with trying out new products. Emily Heintz, founder and chief curator…

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MondayApr 29, 2024 9:00 am

HealthLynked Corp. (HLYK) Is ‘One to Watch’

HealthLynked Corp. is a pioneering healthcare technology company revolutionizing patient care through innovative digital solutions Dr. Michael T. Dent, CEO and Chairman, leads the company with a significant history of successful healthcare management and technology development; his prior leadership at NeoGenomics Laboratories, a company with a current market cap of approximately $2 billion, underscores his ability to scale healthcare solutions in competitive markets HealthLynked’s recently launched HealthLynked Network is a state-of-the-art, cloud-based platform designed to significantly improve the efficiency and quality of patient care by enabling a seamless exchange of medical information The leadership’s deep involvement and commitment are reflected…

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FridayApr 26, 2024 10:00 am

Researchers Seek to Develop Genetically Engineered Brain Cancer Treatment

Scientists at Purdue University are trying to develop a new treatment for glioblastoma tumors. Glioblastoma is a type of cancer that originates in the spinal cord and/or brain. This cancer is fatal, with a median time of survival of 14 months. Conventional treatments for other cancers, including immunotherapy and chemotherapy, are ineffective on this particular cancer. These treatments work by blood cells being taken from a patient then reintroduced back into their bodies after genetic engineering to fight cancer cells. This study was led by associate professor Sandro Matosevic of Purdue’s department of industrial and molecular pharmaceutics. The study’s objective…

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WednesdayApr 24, 2024 12:00 pm

“Urgent Action: PaxMedica Inc. (NASDAQ: PXMD) Addresses Medical Crisis in Malawi”

In recent developments, PaxMedica (NASDAQ: PXMD), a renowned biopharmaceutical company specializing in treatments for neurological disorders, has taken swift action to address a pressing medical situation unfolding in Malawi, East Africa. The Ministry of Health (“MOH”) of Malawi has issued a plea for access to IV suramin, a vital medication in combating the life-threatening sleeping sickness crisis affecting the region. PaxMedica swiftly responded to this call for help by committing to provide emergency access to its recently completed registration batches of PAX-101, an IV form of suramin. This decision underscores PaxMedica's dedication to mitigating the devastating impact of sleeping sickness…

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WednesdayApr 24, 2024 10:00 am

Advancements in Medical AI Are Improving Timely Esophageal Cancer Detection

Scientists in China recently identified an innovative system that considerably increases the rate of detection of esophageal cancer lesions. Esophageal cancer starts from the esophagus, which ferries food from the throat to the stomach. Early detection of this particular cancer is crucial as rates of survival considerably increase when the illness is identified and treated in its early stages. Unfortunately, this cancer is often diagnosed in its later stages when patients begin presenting with symptoms, which makes treatment more difficult. So, how does artificial intelligence improve esophageal cancer detection? Artificial intelligence analyzes endoscopic images using advanced algorithms to identify lesions…

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TuesdayApr 23, 2024 9:45 am

Nutriband Inc. (NASDAQ: NTRB) Advances Abuse Deterrent Tech Addressing Fentanyl Epidemic

Fentanyl is a potent opioid that is associated with a significant risk of abuse and overdose, contributing to a major drug crisis in the United States Fentanyl has legitimate medical uses in managing severe and chronic pain in medical settings such as hospitals and surgical procedures NTRB is advancing its AVERSA(TM) technology that incorporates aversive agents to prevent abuse, diversion, misuse, and accidental exposure to opioids and other drugs with abuse potential NTRB was recently granted a patent for AVERSA(TM), strengthening its intellectual property portfolio in the United States and globally across 45 countries Fentanyl, a potent opioid, poses a…

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MondayApr 22, 2024 10:30 am

Clene Inc. (NASDAQ: CLNN) Continues Development of Lead Drug Candidate CNM Au8(R) for Neurodegenerative Diseases including Parkinson’s Disease

CNM-Au8 is an oral suspension with demonstrated activity in restoring neuronal health and function by increasing energy production and utilization Treatment with CNM-Au8 investigated in clinical trials adjunctive to standard-of-care exhibits no known drug interactions, and aims to enhance function and survival Nearly 90,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson's disease every year with no approved drug to slow or halt disease progression currently available The Parkinson's disease treatment market was valued at $4.61 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach $11.98 billion by 2030 In recognition of April as Parkinson’s Disease Awareness Month, IBN is highlighting Clene (NASDAQ: CLNN),…

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MondayApr 22, 2024 10:00 am

CMS Completes New Rules Modifying Medicare Advantage Program

Earlier this month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a regulation implementing changes in policy to Medicare Part C and Part D. The changes expand on policies under the Biden-Harris administration to promote healthy competition, strengthen guardrails and protections, and ensure Medicare Part D plans meet the needs of all who enroll. The changes in policy include restrictions on beneficiary data distribution, revisions on compensation rules for brokers and agents who hinder anticompetitive steering, and improvements to behavioral health access. We look at them in detail below. Limitations on beneficiary data distribution by third-party marketing organizations The…

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FridayApr 19, 2024 10:00 am

Misinformation on TikTok Causing Many to Misdiagnose Themselves as Autistic

As the global youth population increases its use of social media, misinformation continues to be a danger to many. Joseph O’Brien, a manager at Inspira Health’s Behavioral Wellness Center, stated that social media had increased the dangers of self-diagnosis. Social media apps such as TikTok are already used to spread misinformation, particularly on developmental and mental-health conditions. Various posts include individuals sharing their self-diagnosis of conditions such as autism spectrum disorder despite mental-health professionals on the same TikTok platform highlighting the importance of getting diagnosed by a licensed medical provider. A recent study by the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute determined…

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